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What to Expect During Evaluation

  1. Prior to the evaluation your therapist will review the information provided on the Introductory Form and determine the most appropriate evaluation tools to complete with your child.  Please print the form and bring it with you completed on the first day.
  2. The evaluation will include both informal and formal assessments of your child. The number and type of formal or standardized assessments will depend upon your child’s age and needs. 
  3. During the evaluation we will observe and assess your child’s performance on a variety of skill areas. To best evaluate your child’s skill we ask that you remain in the waiting area if possible. Our open space will allow you to observe from a distance. However, should your child be fearful of leaving you in the area or need you present we may ask that you accompany your child into the treatment area.
  4. Your therapist will analyze the results of the evaluation, prepare a written report of the findings with recommendations as well as schedule a time to review the evaluation and recommendation with you.